
The Ominscience of God

    The Omniscience of God! It is important that we know who God is and what it means to understand the omniscience of God. Defined by author Sheila A lewine "The word “omniscient” is defined as having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight; it is universal and complete knowledge." Psalm 139:4-7 gives us a clear image of God's Omniscience. “O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thoughts from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it all.” God is all-knowing. He knows the words we are about to speak and every thought that comes to mind, He knows. I believe it is first and foremost important to allow scripture to define the omniscience of God. Beginning with two verses in Psalms we see God’s omniscience defined. The first is by His eyes being everywhere at all times, “ The eyes ...

you. are. more.

Today I want to start off by telling you this. You are more than what people say about you. You are more than the lies Satan tries to feed you. You are more than the mistakes you have made in the past. You are more than your outward appearance.  You. Are. More.  Feeling like you are alone is a very serious thing. From experience, I went through a season of loneliness. This is something I had never experienced before. I was unaware of how serious this could be and wasn’t prepared for what the outcome might hold. If you knew me personally you would probably think to yourself, how in the world could you possibly of felt lonely? Well, here’s a little background about my life. I have grown up in a fairly large family of five, I attend a youth group with hundreds of students, and have a best friend whom I've known since I was three years old. I am constantly surrounded by people who love and encourage me. Knowing these facts, you can imagine how shocking it was for me to fe...

to prosper.

With obedience comes prosperity; with disobedience, adversity.  -DBP Prosperity - the state of being prosperous. To be prosperous to most people means to be wealthy. But what some may not know is that prosperity can be a inner emotion. To me, prosperity means more than just to have wealth. It means to be absolutely complete in Christ and to have prosperous moments. A prosperous moment I have encountered was the first time I had the chance to lead youth worship at my church. At that moment I felt something take off. I felt something bloom inside of me. At that very moment I knew that this was where I was meant to be. I prospered! Have you ever felt something like that before? You weren't sure at first if this was where God wanted you, but as soon as you stepped up on that platform you felt complete peace. Yes, that is the Lord telling you that you are where you are suppose to be. God's plan for us is to prosper with the word of Christ inside of us and to spread the good...

welcome to a happy place!

This Blog I have created is meant to hopefully encourage, uplift, spread positivity, and create a happy place here on the internet. Here is a little bit about myself! I'm adventurous, quirky, funny, kind, and you could say I am a people person. I love hearing stories and testimonies and meeting new people! Hints me stating a Blog. I have asked the Lord in what ways can I change the world and share my thoughts to others, this is what was set on my heart to do. Here I am fulfilling what the Lord has asked me to do. Let's figure this out  together and change the world !!